Imaginal, forms, myths and powerful government in the first Pahlavi era

Document Type : Research Paper


1 university of tehran,Faculty of Law and Political Science ,PHD student

2 Professor of Political Science, University of Tehran


Iran faced the phenomenon of a weak state in the years after the Constitutional Revolution, especially in 1297 onwards. The weak state arose from the political crisis caused by the functional interference of the monarchy on the one hand and the newly established constitutional system on the other. This eroded the foundations of state to exercise power. This situation was exacerbated by the crisis of parliamentarism in Iran. In this historical period, the pattern of "negotiation and bargaining" along with the way of "internal debate" is the factor that aggravates the political crisis.
Political construction in the transition period from the crisis was based on the "work on myth", "imaginal" and "statism" and was gradually reproduced. The necessity of forming a strong state and state-oriented processes in the first stage has led to the monopolization of the power to use force and in the second stage to dominate the economic and social spheres.
The main question of the article is how the " work on myth " and "the imaginal" caused the establishment, emergence and continuation of statism in the first Pahlavi period? The hypothesis of the article points to the fact that the political elites influencing power were able to create the ground for the formation of statehood in Iran by producing and reproducing images in the field of imagination and displaying them in the public sphere. statism was made possible by signs of economic modernization, structural authority, and the development of the modern state.


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