Shiite Rationality and Communicative Rationality: reflections on political consequences

Document Type : Research Paper



What relationship can be established between Shiite rationality and communicative rationality that ensures historical dynamism of Shiite rationality in the condition of modern rationality dominance on the present world, on the one hand, and such rationality interacts with other non-religious historical rationalities by preserving its independence, on the other? Specifically the main concern of this research is to discuss the political consequences of coordination between Shiite rationality and communicative rationality.  Through several sections by propounding a series of inter-religious and intra-religious argumentations, I will deal with proving my hypothesis based upon adequate concepts within the framework of Shiite rationality (emphasizing Shiite fiqh and kalam). In this context, I will present an explanation about communicative rationality at epistemological, anthropological and sociological levels. At the next stage, I will introduce Shiite rationality. Then I will discuss the rational concepts in the Shiite tradition, emphasizing kalam and fiqh. The final section will be allocated to theoretical and practical conclusions.


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