Shiism and Issue of Legitimacy in Occultation Era

Document Type : Research Paper



What is legitimacy and on what bases is it built in the Shiite political thought? According to contemporary theories, legitimacy is a simple and single cause conception which is normally restricted to the ruler. This paper describes different aspects and bases of legitimacy in new literature of political science and examines them in the light of Shiite tradition and finally it suggests a comprehensive approach. It argues that legitimacy is a complex, relative and multilayer phenomenon which in its complete form relies on consent, law, personal aptitudes, universal norms, functionality and justice. But because total legitimacy is something like an ideal never to be achieved, the relative legitimacy of any system should be evaluated according to coordination with and implementation of these various components. As we actually have a spectrum of legitimacy in politics therefore all political systems have some degree of legitimacy deficit. So this article wants to provide a new conception of legitimacy in Shiite political thought.



منابع فارسی

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