Examination of Communitarianism in Sandal’s Thought Based on Two Concepts of Liberty and Happiness

Document Type : Research Paper



Happiness and liberty are two main concepts in contemporary political philosophies, so by examining these two concepts, this inquiry will go into details on their role in the thought of one of the most eminent contemporary political philosophers in the West, i.e. Michael Sandal, who is acknowledged as a critical one whose works lean towards calling liberalistic notions into question. What shape his own understanding on communitarianism; at last it is imperative to note that, this endeavor will elucidate the appraisal and make available the better reading of communitarian’s notions as well as the improved brushing up on them. This research tends to use the analytic philosophy method. The article will also try to find the answer to this question that what Sandel’s attitude is toward two concepts of liberty and happiness.


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