Fundamentals of the Political in Ancient Greece and the Role of Police in its Formation

Document Type : Research Paper



The Political is not only a concept, but refers to the essence of the ontological relations and political processes in a society. So as understanding the essence and nature of the political in a political community can lead us to the realization of its foundations and political logic. Addressing the political in ancient Greek political communities not only originates our understanding of the quality and structure of the policy in ancient Greece, but it can also reveal the foundations of political thought in ancient Greece. In fact, the political is the product of the political structure of a society along with its political thought. In this regard, theoretical ideas of thinkers such as Karl Schmidt, Jacques Lacan and Chantal Mouffe regarding the political are reviewed. Then the political relations in ancient Greece are mentioned. The police here as determined political structure of ancient Greece is recognized as a political discourse that the political is its reconstructed. In fact, the approach of the present study is the political discourse and the political is considered as a discourse. After indicating the police as a political discourse that reconstructs the outcome political, the emergence of the political in ancient Greece will be discussed.
