Analyzing the Impact of Authority on Death Prevalence among War Subjects

Document Type : Research Paper



To access the mental atmosphere of war subjects, the intended society should be studied. In this study, a case study has been conducted through in-depth interviews with Iran-Iraq war subjects regarding the impact of authority on war and death. There are different forms of authority in the social space, but it is reproduced in its highest form in war and is also effective on mortality frequency. But authority is not produced in war and is rooted from external sources. In this study, it is found that we face diversity and plurality of subjects during and after war. Accordingly, eleven kinds of subjects based on their behavioral characteristics during war and three types of behavioral patterns after war have been derived from the research. Therefore, the diversity of war and post-war subjects’ behavior is associated with a different personality structure indicating they have different personality traits. But authority acts as an integration and overlap of these variations in war. Existing behavioral structures and patterns are also effective in war subjects in cultural and political atmosphere of Iran after war and now. Accordingly, regardless of the behavioral diversity of war subjects, an efficient management of political and cultural structures is not possible in society, and it is needed to pay attention to the diversity of behaviors in the subject and their behavior patterns. The subjects’ authority in war can be transmitted into the current political and cultural fields in different ways, i.e., it changes from power to authority.
