Document Type : Research Paper



The paper discussed the typology of studies on political development in Iran. The purpose of the paper is to identify the diversity of studies related to Iran's political development. The research method is systematic review, and the statistical population of the research is all the books related to the political development of Iran being printed after the Islamic Revolution, the number of which is amounted 145 in this study. The findings showed that almost over half of the books were published between 1997 and 2006, and political deterioration or degeneration of Iran was discussed in 76.6% of those books. Most of the books have been written with modernization and democratization approach, and an empirical-historical method has been used in a significant portion of the books. According to about 30% of the books, the main factors of being politically underdeveloped are authoritarianism, political culture elements, and the gap between traditionalism and modernism. Although these studies did not follow the western classical patterns of specimens, instead tried to localize political-social science in Iran, this has led to the plurality and diversity of views and the lack of a clear picture of Iran's political development. Therefore, one of the most important factors is the diversity of experts’ views in this regard.


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