Document Type : Research Paper



The purpose of this study is reflection on the educational policy in political science with an emphasis on Analysis of the curriculum ideologies of political science students in Tehran University. This research has quantitative nature and applied purpose and in terms of data collecting is a descriptive survey. The statistical population consisted of 500 postgraduate students in The University of Tehran 2017, in which the sample size was appointed as 232, using Cochran formula. And 100 men and 132 women were selected using stratified sampling method. The data gathering tool was the standard questionnaire of curriculum ideology of the Schiro (2008). Face and content validity of the questionnaire was obtained by the consensus of educational science specialists and the reliability of the questionnaire using the Cronbach's alpha coefficient was calculated 0.88. In order to analyze the data, the researchers used the Friedman test for ranking. Findings in general show that the most prominent ideology of the curriculum of political science students at the University of Tehran in the postgraduate studies is the ideology of scientific scholars and social performance, and the least important ideology is the social and learning rehabilitators. Therefore, as the political science major requires self-sufficient students with characteristics such as critical thinking, high creativity, deep analysis, intellectual autonomy, widespread social relationships, and high spirit of demanding changes in the peripheral environment and the spirit of inquiry and so on. These features are only seen in students with social and learning rehabilitation ideologies. Therefore, it is imperative that the authorities and practitioners of higher education change educational policies as the necessary measures to attract students with the ideologies of social reconstruction or try to change the ideology of students in this field of study in line with the ideology of social and learner-centered rehabilitators.


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