Semiotics Analysis of Political Advertising in 12th Iranian Presidential Election Campaign

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor in Faculty of Communication Sciences at Allameh Tabataba'i University

2 Ph.D candidate in Communication Science at Allameh Tabatabaii University of Tehran, IRAN

3 Ma Holder in in Communication Science at Allameh Tabataba'i University of Tehran, IRAN


This research examines the political newspaper advertising in the 12th presidential election campaign in Iran (2017). The main aim of this research is to analyze the signs and ideology of the two political rivals in their press advertising campaign. For this reason those visual symbols and texts were investigated in seven newspapers.
In this study, national newspapers were selected in three political stands: Iran (Government newspaper), Etemad, Arman and Mardom-salari (Pro Reformatists), Vatan-e-Emrooz, Resalat and Siasat-e-Rooz (Pro Foudemetalists). Using the John Fiske semiotics method and Barthes’ theoretical framework, photographs and texts of the seven adverts of the two main electoral candidates were examined.
The results of this study showed that out of a total of seven advertisements, six of them were related to the reformist faction and in support of Hassan Rouhani's candidacy. Rouhani's advocacy emphasized the modernization approach, the development of industry, the increase in production, as well as those concepts such as freedom, justice and citizenship rights. The only rival candidate (Ibrahim Raeisi), backed by other newspapers, followed a populist approach by promoting religious values, back to the basics and fair distribution of wealth.


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