Political Equality and Inequality in Imam Ali's Political Thinking


The Almighty God gave dignity to human being regardless of race and religion, so single human nature was formed. This equality in human nature gave rise to his/her equality in political system, resulting in sociopolitical equality for him/her. Such equality is summarized in five aspects as follows: 1- Equality of people in the rulers' eyes, 2- Equality of people in the rulers' conduct, 3- Equality of people and the rulers, 4- Equality in possibilities and opportunities, and 5- Equality among followers of different religions. Two principles of transparency and priority of socially deprived people guarantee the implementation of such inequalities. The only criterion determining seniority of human beings is piety which, as Imam Ali (PBUH) stipulates, would be awarded by God in the Judgment Day. Hence, it would not bring about any privilege in social and political rights. The condition for the legitimacy of inequalities is their fairness. Based on this condition, sociopolitical equalities continue to persist within the framework of just inequalities by passing the following rule: 'People enjoy equal rights to the degree of justice.'
