Analysis of political protests of january 2018 in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper



The purpose of this research is finding the elements that lead to the protests in Iran on January 2016. Our assumption is that the main reasons of these protests include mis-recognize the protesters and humiliation experience. To achieve the research goal and verify the assumption, we interviewed the protesters to identify the basic themes using the theory analysis method. Using this method we were able to identify 40 themes that are categorized in 3 groups including the features, motivations and consequences of the protests. The motivations are the main focus of this research that fall into two groups, fundamental motivations or periodic motivations. Periodic motivations are connected to the historical backgrounds even before the protests and the fundamental motivations are related to long lasting structural character of social systems. Fundamental motivations are divided into vital and cultural forms. Vital motivations including economicall, sexual need or environmental motivations. Cultural motivations including discrimination and humiliation, deductive deprivation, morality, ideological, satisfaction or disappointment. By measuring the frequency percentage of all the motivations we concluded that the fundamental cultural motivations, specifically discrimination and humiliation, are playing the main role in formation of the 2016 protests that supports our initial assumption that was derived mainly from Axel Honneth works but we added two more elements to his theory. We believe meeting vital needs and developing social hope are necessary to reach a justice society in Iran and preventing such grievances.


Main Subjects

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