The Corona crisis as an opportunity to reflection on the current political situation

Document Type : Research Paper


assistant professor of political science, institute of iranian history and culture, university of tabriz, iran


Pervasive diseases such as Corona are among the plagues that, in addition to their natural aspect, also have a human and social dimension that has affected all areas of human life. One of the most important actions of societies, especially governments, in encountering with this disease, has been to resort the restrictions and various controls in social life. Some measures like quarantine or distancing to prevent the spread of the disease, is justified under the logic of exceptional or emergency states and imposes requirements on the lives of all individuals and social groups. Such special conditions and their status are directly related to the will of governments to exercise legal power based on social interests. Iran which like almost any country in the world, suffers from Corona disease, has experienced similar cases of cholera and plague in the past. Accordingly, the question and concern of the present article is that understanding the crisis caused by the epidemic and the measures taken by governments in relation to it in the historical sphere of Iran, what help can be in understanding the current policy of Iran. In this case, using the approach of "Giorgio Agamben" based on "Carl Schmitt" and "Walter Benjamin", while emphasizing the exceptional state in the specific conditions of societies, we conclude that Iranian society influenced by the circumstances Exceptional states such as the suspension of the law and on the other hand due to lack of law enforcement or ambiguity in it has been a double problem.


Main Subjects

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