Alfred Adler’s Theory and Political Psychology Of Aga Mohammad Khan Qajar

Document Type : Research Paper


Character of Aga Mohammad Khan The Fonder Of Qajar dynasty in This article is being analyzed, according To Alfred Adler’s Theory. For realization of character and Political behavior of Aga Mohammad Khan Qajar, The Fondemental Concepts Of This Thory Such as in Feriority and Life Style have Been applied. Different dimention of castraction’s accident and Its social outcomes during his time as a hostage in khan zand court in shiraz and The conesquential of Castriation’s inferiority in its Social dimension during his rule for gaining and Keeping Power and Strive to establish power in Qajar comes under investigation the writer believes the life of Aga Mohammad khan demonstyates the credibility of Alfred Adler’s Theory, In a theoretical structure could offer scientific explanation and clarify many ambiguities in Political behavior of Aga Mohammad Khan.
